Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Gallery Reviews

Two by Land Exhibit by Nicole Donnely and Katherine Sandoz

for this exhibition, the medium was primarily canvas on wood. The colors were bright and exciting, because of the use of "color studies". The show focused on art that was both abstract and surreal, and presented it in a very clean manner that helped show off the aesthetic beauty of each piece. I really enjoyed the show and the fact that the paintings were so large pleased me because i think a completed piece of that size shows true commitment and dedication on behalf of the artist, who is often thought to have fleeting and inconsistant yearnings. (whoah!) The art effectively used natural and unnatural elements to portray a unique view of the world from each artists perspective. i really appreciated the random colors that didn't quite seem logical, but fit beautifully into scenery type art.

The pieces had a very emotional point of view and seemed very calming and beautiful. I enjoyed this gallery and the setup was perfect for the art style!

The CADRE Exhibit

First i would like to point out how i'm 90% that a certain person in our class may have subconsciously stole the pixel board idea for their collaboration project. I will not say who.

I enjoyed this exhibition except for the fact that it was in Tahoe, which does not work very easily with my work schedule. This trip was worth the drive in the end because not only was it AMAZING, but it was in a very beautiful setting. I haven't been to many art shows but this one impressed me with its interactivity. I had always assumed art wasn't very interactive, but this gallery showcased the best of the best in that category. 

As you would probably assume by now, my favorite part was the Pixel Board by DC Spensley & Peter Spangler. This piece consisted of a user interface where the user can use their cellphone to select a pixel on a board and change its color. the simplicity and interactivity of this piece captured me because to me it takes true vision to create something pristine out of something so simple. I loved the interactivity of it because that takes a whole lot of thought to create into something that people actually desire to make the effort towards. The entire exhibit was very interactive and i believe thats a very innovative and exciting art style, so i enjoyed the show! 

In Search Of-grad school thesis show by Emily Rogers

her show felt so eerie and ghost-like to me. i loved it! her photographs displayed homes that were empty, but looked slightly lived in. She focuses on the interiors of houses in Reno, and said she had the photographs completely void of life on purpose, to create a hinting idea of life, without actual evidence. She said she does this because she liked to only show bits of a story, but leave the rest out completely. 
My favorite part about her show was her process to get the photos. It reminded me of what i have to do to get stories for Journalism and i have a deep respect for her work because of it. She told us how she read newspapers and searched for events that happened in the area, and would use that history to track down the new owners and tell them the story before asking to use their house. 
I think that overall, Rodgers had great success in telling beautiful little stories about many different places, without giving too much away. 

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